Sunday 3 October 2010

Pickled Green Tomatoes

I got this recipe from a veggie growing forum on the internet and thought I'd give it a go. I think it said that the recipe is originally from Germany.

This is what I used:

5 lbs Green Tomatoes, 1 inch (2.5cm) diameter maximum, stems removed
2 pints Malt Vinegar
6 Cloves
1 x 1 in Cinnamon Stick
1 whole Nutmeg
pinch of salt
1 lb Sugar
1 pint White Wine Vinegar

This is what I did:

Place the tomatoes in a large pan with the malt vinegar. Stir very gently and bring to the boil, then strain immediately. 

Put the tomatoes very carefully into a bowl, taking care not to split the skins.

Boil the cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg, salt and sugar with the white wine vinegar in a separate pan.

Pour hot over the tomatoes. Cover and leave for 24 hours.

On day three, heat the tomatoes and the liquid together, but do not boil. Lift out the tomatoes with a slotted spoon and pack them carefully into warmed jars. Throw out any that have accidentally split their skins because they will ruin the effect of the pickle.

Reduce the liquid until it turns slightly syrupy, then strain off the spices and pour the cooling pickle over the tomatoes, making sure they are completely covered.

Seal and store for 3 months before opening.

I haven't actually tasted them yet, but the aroma as I was making them was very pleasant so I can't wait to try them.

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