Sunday 3 October 2010

Green Tomato Jam

I thought I'd do something completely different with some of the tomatoes and green tomato jam seemed completely different; I made a couple of batches of this.

This is what the recipe called for:

3 lbs Green Tomatoes
2 lbs Cooking Apples
4 tbsp Lemon Juice (bottled)
1 oz Root Ginger
3 lbs Sugar (I used a mixture of jam sugar and granulated)
A Little Water

This is what I did:

Wash and quarter the tomatoes (the second time I chopped them smaller than quarters). Peel, core and cut the apples into chunks. Place in a pan with the lemon juice.

Slice the ginger and tie up in muslin; place this in the pan.

Cover with enough water to come to the level of the fruit. I didn't really know what or how much this meant; the first time I think I put far too much water in and it took ages to simmer away, so the next time I just put in enough to cover the bottom of the pan before I added the tomatoes and apples.

Bring to the boil, then reduce to a simmer until the fruit is tender.

Remove from the heat, add the sugar and stir to dissolve.

Return to the heat, bring back to the boil then allow to simmer until reaching the correct consistency. Stir occasionally.

Decant into warm sterilised jars and seal.

This really is a lovely jam, a couple of people have said it tastes a bit like plum. You wouldn't think it was made from tomatoes and it is delicious on hot buttered granary toast.

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