Sunday 18 July 2010

Cucumber & Apple Chutney (Spicy)

Cucumbers keep on coming, so I was back in the kitchen earlier in the week to make a chutney. This is what I used:

1lb cooking apples
1/2 lb shallots
1lb cucumbers
1/2 pint malt vinegar
1/2 lb sugar (was supposed to be demerara, but I didn't have enough so mixed it with granulated)
1 tsp salt (was supposed to be 1/2 tsp - doesn't seem to have affected it though)
1 tsp cayenne pepper (as with salt it was supposed to be 1/2 tsp as I was making half the quantity in the recipe - that's why I'm calling it spicy!)

This is what I did:

Peeled, cored and chopped the apples. Peeled and chopped the shallots (was supposed to be finely, but I'm not very good at fine chopping - maybe I should be calling this chunky & spicy chutney). Deseeded the cucumbers and chopped - once again, should have been finely!

Put it all into a pan with the vinegar and brought to the boil.

Simmered until soft (about 20 minutes)

Added the sugar, salt & cayenne pepper, and stirred to dissolve the sugar.

Left to simmer until it reached chutney consistency (about another hour), stirring every now and again to stop it sticking.

Decanted into warm sterilised jars while it was still hot, and sealed.

It does taste lovely... if you like it spicy!

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